

“There are many books that teach us how to succeed in business. And there are many books that teach us how to apply the Word of God to our lives. What if there was a book that combined the two? Revelations in Business: Connecting Your Business Plan with God’s Purpose and Plan for Your Life is that book.”

Dr. K. Shelette Stewart

Awards & Honors

Oxford University, United Kingdom
2024 Oxford Colloquy Faculty Lecturer – Certificate (2024)

Harvard University
Harvard Business School Case on Lowe’s: Improving Total Home Strategy (Case No:N9-524-054) – Co-Author (2024)

Judson University
White Paper: Biblical Engagement Strategies for a New Generation-Co Author (2023)

Harvard University
Harvard Business School Case on Mary Kay Cosmetics, Inc: Enriching Women’s Lives while Embracing Change (Case No: 9-522-004) – Co-Author (2022)

Judson University – 2020 Commencement Speaker

Harvard University Office of Career Services – Firsthand Advisors (2020)

Harvard University Graduate Degree (2nd Master’s) – Journalism (2019)

Harvard University – Business Communications Certificate (2019)

Harvard University
Harvard Business School Case on JCPenney Back in Business (Case No:9-517-037) – Co-Author (2016)

New York Times Book Review Feature (December 27, 2015)

Harvard Business School – Case Method Teaching Seminar Certificate of Achievement Award (2014)

Jabez Books Honorary Author Award (2014)
(Outstanding Literary Work)

The Book Review – Christian Literary Award (2012)

Fulbright Foreign Program Specialist (2012)


“Shelette Stewart is not only a respected business leader, she is a committed Christian with a servant’s heart for helping others succeed. Her book, Revelations in Business©, is a great and powerful tool for progressive leaders who desire to bring insightful, empowering content to their teams to increase employee engagement, productivity and overall profitability.”

Dan T. Cathy, Chairman
Chick-fil-A, Inc.

“At Georgetown College, we encourage students, faculty, and staff to identify and pursue their individual purpose and personal calling.  Revelations in Business© is an exceptional book that offers powerful insights for accomplishing this.  I highly recommend this book for students and educators who desire to become more purpose-driven and mission-centric.”

Dr. William H. Crouch, Jr.,
president Georgetown College

“Dr. K. Shelette Stewart is one of those rare individuals whose business acumen addresses a broad range of venues. Because her insights are captured in the form of principles and strategies, they can be customized to many challenging scenarios experienced by organizational leaders. The kernel of wisdom remains intact, but implementation adapts to the resources of organizations.  Moreover, Dr. Stewart herself delivers these concepts with clarity, enthusiasm, and theological accuracy. Thus, she motivates as she equips. No dry scholarship from Dr. Stewart. On the contrary, lively interaction, stimulation to innovate and “let’s get it done” mentality pervade the style and atmosphere of her persona and this is truly exemplified in Revelations in Business©.”

Dr. Linden D. McLaughlin
Chairman and Professor of Christian Education
Dallas Theological Seminary

“Rick Warren encouraged us all to pursue our purpose in The Purpose-Driven Life©.  Now, Shelette Stewart picks up the torch with Revelations in Business©, which is truly The Purpose Driven Life for business leaders!  Each chapter of this effective book provides real life examples and practical recommendations for applying the Word of God to your business regardless of your industry and business model. I recommend this book for business academicians and practitioners.

Dr. JoyLynn Hailey Reed
Senior Lecturer – School of Management
University of Texas at Dallas

“Revelations is Business© has one pursuit in mind: conducting business to honor God.  Dr. Stewart gives us a road map on this exciting journey!” 

Chaplain Henry J. Rogers, Interstate Batteries

“At Betenbough Homes, we believe that ordinary people can live each and every day with Kingdom passion and God-directed purpose.  “Revelations in Business” offers an innovative and insightful guide for accomplishing this in the workplace and marketplace.”

Jon Jackson, Chief Financial Officer
Betenbough Homes

“In her book, Revelations in Business©, Dr. Shelette Stewart gives fresh, creative and Biblically-based insights regarding a Christian’s approach to business principles.  I recommend Revelations in Business© as required reading for anyone who wants to live out their Christian call in business, and especially for students attending Christian colleges and universities.”

H.K. Kingkade, Director for Religious Life
Georgetown College

Revelations in Business© is about not only excelling in business, but, more importantly, achieving your purpose and enjoying the journey in the process!”

Auntie Anne Beiler, Founder of Auntie Anne’s Pretzels

“Revelations in Business© will help you find personal significance through purpose and process.”  

Jerry S. Wilson – Senior Vice President
The Coca-Cola Company,
co-author of Managing Brand You

Shelette’s Revelations in Business© is a spiritual marriage of business fundamentals to biblical principles!  She successfully pulls from her deep understanding of scripture and Corporate America practice to reveal God’s planning process.  She elevates conventional business planning with a robust process to reveal what you and your business stand for from a biblical perspective.  I have no doubt that paging through this well-written planning guide will lead you to recognize your superior brand value and set you on a path to live up to your highest self!”

James Sila
Christian and Talent Leader in Human Capital
The Coca-Cola Company

“There is no higher plan for our life than God’s plan.  And that should apply to our business plan.  Shelette Stewart provides dynamic yet practical guidance to business and professional people to find the real purpose for their life’s work.  If you are looking to define true success for your life as God would have it, or even move beyond success to significance, you can find the answers with Shelette’s clear Biblical approach.  We recommend Revelations in Business© to anyone desiring to effectively represent Christ in their marketplace, and live for Him as they do, achieving the highest purpose for their life!”

Curtis Hail, president & CEO
e3 Partners &

“Revelations in Business© is one of the best books I have ever read for giving valuable insights to people who want their business and professional careers to be fulfilling, and to be able to achieve the best they can for themselves and their enterprises.  The emphasis on Biblical values, superior quality services and integrity is precisely what is needed in today’s business place in order to succeed.  Revelations in Business© is a must read for all who aspire to experience true success”

Ray J. Berryman, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist,
and Servant for Jesus Christ

“Revelations in Business teaches you how to succeed in your career by applying the Word of God.”

Darryl Lesure – Manager, Purchasing, Supply Chain
Chick-fil-A, Inc.

Shelette validates once again that the only requirement to a successful business is to know what to do as well as what to stop doing.  My advice for any would be entrepreneur is to hop on board and take full advantage of her rich wisdom and wise counsel.”

 Dr. Dennis Kimbro
Author of What Makes the Great Great

Author Shelette Stewart-CCCU Advancing Women in Business Conference 2023

Revelations In Business

There are many books that teach us how to succeed in business. And there are many books that teach us how to apply the Word of God to our lives. What if there was a book that combined the two? Revelations in Business: Connecting Your Business Plan with God’s Purpose and Plan for Your Life is that book.
Barnes and
Lifeway Christian Books
Mardel Bookstore
Tate Publishing